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Sunday, 14 December 2014

Planning: Target audience research

Extra Notes.
Do you think that the name given to our film is appropriate?
Yes: 5 No: 2
·         Could be more specifically relevant to story line.
·         Could chose a name to have darker connotations.
Does the synopsis given suit the Supernatural-Thriller genre?
Yes: 4 No: 3
·         More accurate to an action genre.
·         Comes across as more Fantasy based.

Does the opening synopsis suit the age rating of 15 – 18?
Yes: 6 No: 1

Do you think the pitch heard is an accessible idea for the time frame and budget we have?
Yes: 3 No: 4
·         If representation is simply but adequately done it will look effective.
·         Seems like a lot of content to fit into two minutes.
Would you be interested in this film?
Yes: 5 No: 2
·         Not their sort of genre.
·         If they were interested in this genre of film then they would have agreed.
When should the main plot line be introduced in a Supernatural-Thriller?
Immediately: 4 Beginning: 2 Middle: 1

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