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Monday, 6 October 2014

Planning: Pros and cons of working in a group

You have a lot of ideas coming from different people.
You get instant feedback from everyone.
You have a wide range of views on the work you've done so far.
You have a lot more hands to help out when you encounter problems.
The work can be split into small roles for each person.
If you were alone you wouldn't have any other opinion but your own.
You can have a lot more support from a group than on your own.
Things get done quicker if done professionally.

On your own you have perhaps a clearer image on what you want for the short film.
A group can get crowded in small places.
If working with friends it can be a distraction.
Talking can interrupt the duration of the project.
People can disagree and not like other peoples views.
Some people may feel left out if they have little to do.
Sometimes its best if someone has one job and does the entirety of that job so that it doesn't confuse the next person that does work on it.
Some people may not take it seriously.
People may not understand instructions others give them.

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